Monday, August 5, 2013


From child I have been a bit untid, do not make attention to the classes great and it overwhelms me to be sat in a room writing, writing and respecting. It is because of it, that now that already I am finishing the university, I want to begin to dedicate more time to revealing in to do. I am not shy but if I have realized that the life, the particular Chilean system, has wanted to put the foot it raises. I come from a popular family and in spite of that i studied in emblematic lyceums, I never felt that it was making me happy. Lyceums as this they were making depress several companions. We begin many to drug ourselves in this time (till now)

They were men's colleges, with great it disciplines and few sensibility, children of "Carrera" and with the mathematics overflowing for the ears. I studied in humanist, without me much liked to read and then, I entered to sociology without knowing what age really. Now that I am finishing the career of sociology, I believe that finally I will be able to begin to reveal in what latently has demonstrated in my: to write, about writing poetry, about revealing in her; about singing and doing performance in that pertube the sickly fears that are accentuated in this Chile.

I want to travel and  realize me that the life is not only in what I believe of her, and that for the same thing there never exists certainty that costs a sorrow. I have realized that this world does not want that you reveal yourself, because of it it you fills with things, and things, to forget that we are human and that it to be it is that to be discovering day after day; As buildings are ruined, the categorical judgments fade away in the own experience. The today life needs from your insecurity, to reveal is realize that we exist in the present and that the history spent as the projections towards the future, they are only words.

I want that in my life, the conscience of my acts they take me for a sensible way, not well not even villain, because the good thing to be supported needs from the bad thing, and because the really important only thing is the love.

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