Monday, August 5, 2013


The summer that happened, we decide together with my girlfriend to travel to Bolivia. Always we had wanted to go there, and this way we did it. We were in Bolivia to the neighborhood of one month, were in different places, beautiful landscapes, holidays and unforgettable ceremonies: events that happened in the measure that we us were internalizing in this country.

First, we take a flight to Calama, there we take a bus to enter in the south of Bolivia, come to Uyuni, place where the biggest salar of the world is, it was beautiful and the days accompanied us to know it flooded. Then, we decide to go to Oruro, to the carnival, religious holiday in which the peoples of Bolivia do the offering to the Mother Earth; it is a holiday known worldwide, but the ritual is realized in all the departments of Bolivia. In Oruro, we knew a few friends who invited us to visit his people, which was towards the mountain chain, near the frontier limit with Chile, the people was called Yanquera Marka, and it was a mystical experience in which we submerge, being the foreign only ones, in the rites and celebrations that our friends realized: between the activities, we had to take part in a procession which aim was to visit all the places of the territory, blessing the persons, accompanied of very much alcohol and dances, singings and music: bass-drums and tarkas were the instruments.

I must confess that already to the fourth day we were a bit tired of the routine in Yanquera: to take beer, to dance, to eat and to take beer, every day. So we decide to go away to La Paz, this way to rest and then to see that to do. La Paz is the only, interesting city architectonically, and much more cosmopolitan than Santiago. Place of meeting of many cultures that are interested for travelling to Bolivia. Also it is a place where the holiday rises of tone, only to say that there is very much rock and roll!!!!! La Paz was the place in which more we were, it was exquisite to be going to restaurant to eat show restraint that here they cost the triple one: perfect!! Also we were in Coroico and in a community afroboliviana called TocaƱa. These places were more sylvan, when I came to Chile it was enrronchado for all sides.

Enterteining what to remember this trip!! Even having returned was the whole odyssey: almost we lose the flight in plane in Calama; but it for another history!!

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