Monday, August 5, 2013


I like the good music, I believe that is very important to know or to understand the origin of the bands because that speaks of the creative capacity of the musicians...

Well, I speak to you about a german musical band called Can. Yes, that's his name!!
I remember that the first time to that I them listened was in house of a friend, It was when I entered at University... what times!

'Can' is a part of a generation of german musicians of ends of the decade of 60; after  Germany was defeated by the "Allies" in the second World War. The music of this country was invaded for occidentals influences from USA and UK: bands like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, or singers as Elvis Presley are rejected by these musical young persons who want to create his own musical art. They didn´t want  Rock and Roll!!!

Can is predecessor of the electronic music. The use of synthesizers is very, very important for to characterize to this band. Can is a part of music style called Kraufrock; other bands that they represent to this style are: Kraftwerk and Popol Vuh (the filmmaker Werner Herzog used his compositions for his movies: "Aguirre der zorn gottes")

Can is psychedelic, of the good one. It has songs for all the occasions, when you are happy, when you are driven to despair, when you want descontrol, it is enough to light the sound system to raise the volume to the maximum and already your body will be doing the rest: in the best parties of my life Can has been my companion of dance.

For my, the Can's best disc is Monster Movie, but the best song is of the disc Soundtrack and is called Mother Sky; it is a song of approximately 20 minutes, a situation in which the battery, the guitar, bass guitar, together to the synthesizer they make vibrate all your body.

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