Thursday, May 23, 2013

Expensive Shit

Inteligencia, creatividad y educación pública.

Oh god!
After I listened and looked the video Kem Robinson says school kill creative, I have thought that the school don´t go invented for that everybody think. The school, the public education searchs to instruct  to the children more than to educate.
Now, what is the difference since to instruct and to educate? I think in only one difference: the first refer to the discipline, order and to reject the difference; the second, simply it refers to the equality condition in the relation since children, but too in the relation whit the educator. Educate is the acknowledgement of the difference, of the creative ability in each human, and too it refers to a "learning shared". We know that the public education transmit the knowledge that the State believe useful for the people, too, we know that the decisions of the State are subjugate for the Market, which enjoy thought that we are alone. The school reproduce this relation.
Anyone that stand out in the instructions in the school, anyone child that play in him creativity will be restrain for to want to be in others place.


  1. Your are right Hugo, schools are invented to instruct not to educate . There is a big difference between this 2 terms

  2. That’s right school must work for educate the persons
