Thursday, April 18, 2013

the ambition about life

It's difficult to reference to the ambitions, above all because it hopes a disposition just before the social order and  that is very far of my present. Maybe, a possible ambitions would be that I will find equilibrium, therefore, I could project that in the differents fields of life, for example, in the work or in the social relations whit others humans. I think that the ambitions have a aspect that limit the persons actions, because it make that the person disdain the around ocurrences, if the ambitions don't respond to commones questions and only reference to personals desires, those ambitions don't have meaning for me. So, it's important that we find emotional equilibrium four our actions (and their objectives) project oneself  a best social life leavel centered in the social relations, in the coexistence practices, in the social comunication, at least in a micro context. Anyway, speak about the ambitions produce many reflexions about the future, it's very difficult speak about future when the projects and ambitions are already imposed.

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