Thursday, November 21, 2013


This year has been interesting , many emotions , some things I did not think that would happen ... I think it was a year of " germination " , because although I've enjoyed it - I enjoyed with my friends , my partner , my family - also has been a year of hard work. I haven’t many aspirations , except try to be conscious of what I do and do not ... remember the bad things that have to do with disappointments or unveiling of things that did not look like now ... however , I believe that life is not just being - the particle doesn’t stand without his universe , that there may well also have to be bad , etc. . - I be finishing the university studies is one of the things I most value , because you just have to wait ... professional practice has been one of most important events because it allowed me to appreciate things before unknown , of what remains of this year I intend to finish I set out to work and earning finish the whole project by postulating some friends : the "Taller de Artes y Oficios JGM" that we are creating an event that would allow me to make sense , or landing next year. Also, it was important and what is and will be, the birth of my nephew JoaquĆ­n of 4 months old !

Anyway , I think project life through the years has both good and bad : good , because you can land ideas and decisions of your life , and bad , because thinking short term things makes you lose interest in things outside one sees the ... issue often difficult coexistence.