Friday, June 21, 2013

FACSO in strike

I understand that the strike is part of social movement that it's characterizing the day to day in country our. I think that is complex to propose a view point about student movement. The reasons are various:
Firstly, the student petitions are known for everybody. They aren't strange the needs of country our for a better education, it should be free for all, without excluding anyone that who wants to study. At bottom, we want equality: dream beautiful, but with many divisions.
Secondly, the divisions are found in the value appreciations and that makes us position ourselves in positions different, it isn´t bad but generates many discussions unnecessary.
Now, the Universidad de Chile has the same two problems, while we live the locality of its faculties, and its discussions skewed by biased interests: I think that falls into the dynamics of forgetting the substance of the matter: the possibilities of development we have us, as rights, as humans we are. Although many want a public education, the politic with her wiles impede progress because its logic is intrinsic to the way policy is made. The goal is the same; everyone wants the welfare of people and competes for that purpose. So, we could be ten years more in the same.
I think a good way to build changes "profound and radicals" is questioning our own morality that which protects in the negation of the other in order to give more weight to what we think and say:
I refer to everyday living always considering the "to share". It's the way I think it would serve to overcome the current political logic, empathy is something forgotten, that demonstrates the level of violence in which we live. For example, a good way to participate in strikes is generating different activities, for me the problem is always focused on the ability to recognize our culture, that's the first thing that invades and destroy when they want to impose a new system on a society (like the neoliberalism)...

So, I want to invite you to a film series which will be starting next week (Tuesday), at 6.30 in the "cenicero chico", will present "Hombre mirando al sudeste" directed by Eliseo Subiela. It will make a bonfire for cold and be sold "navegado" to fund a project called Taller de Artes y Oficio.